唐倩:Is Pre-consultation Conducted by the Assistant Physician Effective in Improving Online Healthcare Service Quality and Satisfaction?


时  间:2023512日(周五)下午14:00-16:00

地  点:松江校区2220

主讲人:唐  倩 新加坡管理大学 计算机与信息系统学院 副教

主持人:马宝君 教授   

主  题Is Pre-consultation Conducted by the Assistant Physician Effective in Improving Online Healthcare Service Quality and Satisfaction?


To improve online healthcare quality and efficiency, online healthcare communities (OHCs) enabled the pre-consultation function, in which an assistant physician interacts with the patient to understand and document the patient’s health conditions, medical history, and consultation objectives prior to the formal online consultation with the attending physician. Using detailed service data from a Chinese OHC that tracks patients’ use of pre-consultation in their online consultations, the present study scrutinizes the effect of using pre-consultation on online healthcare service quality and satisfaction. We find that pre-consultation can increase the speed and length of the attending physician’s response, which provides the patient with more informational and emotional support. Despite the improvement in service quality, pre-consultation leads to decreased patient satisfaction with the consultation service, including the attending physician’s response speed, expertise, and attitude. Furthermore, we find that pre-consultation improves service quality by enhancing the professionalism and comprehensiveness of patient case information and reducing information clarification and validation between the patient and the physician, and this effect is not affected by either the assistant physician or team characteristics. Our findings offer important guidance and implications for physicians, OHCs, and healthcare policymakers to improve online healthcare outcomes.


唐倩,新加坡管理大学计算机与信息系统学院副教授,2013年于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)管理信息系统专业获得博士学位。她的研究兴趣包括社交媒体和社交网络、在线口碑、电子商务、知识创造、在线医疗分析等。其论文发表在Information Systems Research (ISR)Production and Operations Management (POM)Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)等国际顶级期刊上。

